Looking for IT Network Consulting Services in Stamford CT?
Is your company in the process of integrating new firewall, router or a switch and simply not sure the best way of how to do that? Does your company have various types of technologies implemented, but no concrete way how to administer it all or knowing the best way how to administer it all? Are you a C-Level exec looking for IT Consulting company in Stamford CT who can sit down with you, discuss your business continuity procedures and help you decide how to conduct business continuity testing plan and help you get this plan in action? Are you an IT Director interested in strong IT Consulting Company in Stamford CT who is flexible enough to provide you with both IT Project Management and Network Consulting/Training? If so then you came to the right place.
What does Binary Fusion Stamford CT company offers?
At Binary Fusion we offer companies regardless of their industry, professional IT Network Consulting Services tailored to address variety of issues that may exist within your IT environment. At Binary Fusion we understand that companies may have different network infrastructure and looking for ways to integrate something new or perhaps to even, troubleshoot an existing issue or conduct independent network survey review for your company to see what the weakest links and what needs to be addressed first. In many situations companies may have old hardware such as 6500 cisco switches, and need assistance in replacing old hardware with new hardware such as Cisco Nexus Core switches. Or simply looking for a company who can conduct Wireless Site Survey for your Wireless Network that you are trying to build. Regardless what the situation is you will need professional IT Consultant that can make sense of it all and craft and tailor your Network towards your company’s business needs.
IT Renovation/Relocation Services in Stamford CT/White Plains/Norwalk/Greenwich
Are you in the process of renovating your office and need to light up your offices with network switches at each user desk, light up your conference rooms with Video Conferencing systems and interconnect your Wireless Network Access Points through the ceiling or help you extend your 10mpbs circuit to your DMARC? If so then we can help, we can analyze your requirements and help you implement it the right away. Think of Binary Fusion as one stop shop for all of your IT Network Needs, ranging from Network Design, Network Security, new voice/video and data network integration. We are not only Network Professionals but we also have certified PMP Project Managers on staff who can deliver entire project from start to finish and help companies in Stamford coordinate their work flow with General Contractors, gather all of the floor plans, identify optimal placement for network infrastructure, get all the quotes from 3rd parties, evaluate multiple options for different type of infrastructure and present it all to CTO/CIO to make the best choice best on our recommendations.
What IT Technologies does Binary Fusion specialize on?
We are vendor neutral when it comes to integrating technologies, and propose only the solutions that are suitable for company’s requirements based on C-Level executive constraints. We don’t propose you half a million dollar project if you are a small company with limited budget, we propose something that make sense. We do not have preferential treatment for the vendors that we work with, we are fully neutral and operate under best IT Network Protocol practices. We are experienced with multiple types of Networking protocols, ranging from HSRP, BGP, EIGRP, OSPF, LDAP, VRRP, RIP, SIP, SCP, FTP, SSH, TCP, UDP, IPSEC, DMVPN, GRE you name it and since all the vendors use various types of protocols we can work with multiple vendors, and use relevant protocol to accommodate business requirements.
How are we different from other Stamford/Port Chester/New Rochelle IT companies?
We are different from other IT Network Consulting companies simply because other companies specialize only on predefined set of Vendor/Vendors, that they have built their business practices upon and solely rely on these vendors regardless of the fact whether the company is a small business, medium or large size, where Customer IT Directors must specify requirements to such consulting companies and answer 1000s of questions from such companies so that way they can tailor their requirement towards their business model. Binary Fusion on the other hand works directly with the client’s needs, disregarding any of the existing business practices for working with only dedicated set of vendors and gives preferential treatment to the customer based on their needs.
Additionally our IT network consultants are either seasonal professionals who already have full time jobs working on month to month based projects or full time employees working for other companies while providing part time IT Consulting Services for Binary Fusion. This concept is no different than private tutoring, where private tutor may have a full time job as a teacher, but on part time basis tutors other students, except in this case tutor is the IT Consultant/Trainer.
Additionally our IT network consultants are either seasonal professionals who already have full time jobs working on month to month based projects or full time employees working for other companies while providing part time IT Consulting Services for Binary Fusion. This concept is no different than private tutoring, where private tutor may have a full time job as a teacher, but on part time basis tutors other students, except in this case tutor is the IT Consultant/Trainer.
How else are we different from other IT Consulting Companies in Stamford/Fairfield/Bridgeport/Milford/New Haven CT?
IT Training/Consulting in Stamford CT
Additionally we are different from other companies in Stamford CT simply because we are not just IT Consulting company, but we also Educational IT Training company, where our IT consultants happen to be also IT Trainers. Our Binary Fusion company parent name is Tutoring Services, LLC where we specialize in sending out IT Consultants directly to your company and provide alternative method of IT on site training in Stamford CT rather than traditional classroom IT training.
In many cases IT Administrators/Network Engineers/Server Admins/Network Security Engineers/Firewall Admins simply do not have time to take 5 day course and are under tight timelines for completing IT projects, regardless of what these projects may be, remote office centralization, virtualization of network infrastructure, disaster recovery on demand implementation etc.... Of course other companies offer online training which is all good, but that doesn’t anywhere compare to the actual IT Network Consultant/Trainer visiting your company directly, helping you integrate specific technology while training you through every single step of the integration. Interested? Contact us to get a quote from top right corner.
What type of IT Training/Consulting does Binary Fusion offers in Stamford CT?
For complete list of IT training offered visit IT training page of the NetworkConsultant.NET Examples of the consulting/training that we offer are as follows.
Example 1. You are a small or start up company in Stamford CT, but have limited staff who only specialize in Server Administration for example and out of a sudden have a requirement to create an etherchannel allowing you to interconnect your existing powerful Linux server to the switch. You are not sure how to do that, and need best practices advice and help making that happen. In which case you can contact Binary Fusion and you will get dedicated IT Network Consultant that will come directly to your company show you how to create that etherchannel and train you on doing so.
Example 2. You are a network administrator who administering Windows Network and was given assignment to log and archive yahoo instant messages for all of the users, you are not sure how to make this happen you seen couple of solutions on how to do that, but realize that it’s too complex. In which case you contact Binary Fusion and IT Network Messaging Consultant comes directly to your company in Stamford CT to help you propose/design/implement entire yahoo message logging solution and train you while doing so.
Example 3. You are an IT Director you are approached by compliance officer who is requesting you to log and archive all of your Web Pages on both http and https web-pages, you have seen some solutions that offer that, but afraid of the network security issues that you may face implementing such solution. You need a fast start to roll out this solution and explain and train one of your IT Staff Server Admins on how to administer this solution and implement the solution while training IT Staff on every single aspect of the integration. In which case you can contact Binary Fusion and we provide you with IT Network Consultant/Trainer in Web Security.
Who are the IT Network Consultants that we hire at Binary Fusion?
Another way how we are different from other IT Network Consulting companies is simply because we don’t just provide you with IT Network Consultants who is working as a full staff IT Network Consultant for Binary Fusion, but someone who in fact works in the existing company similar to yours holding a full time job, small/large/enterprise and someone who can allocate some time to help your company on part time basis. Meaning you get the consultant who already deals with issues that IT Administrators are dealing with on daily basis and can pre-template out entire network solution similar to how it’s already done in the company that the consultant works at based on such IT Consultant’s experience.
Such IT Consultants who work full time for other companies, are higher commodity to come by simply because, they work on daily basis researching multiple technologies for the company that they work in and already aware of all the gotchas. In some cases companies do not allow IT Consultants work anywhere else even on their free time, depends on the company. However, some companies encourage their employees working for Binary Fusion simply because of continuous gaining in expertise, allowing IT Consultants quicker resolve IT issues on their full time job and recommend other solutions within their own companies slashing time required for research and repetitive tasks.
In fact many smaller or medium size companies who do not have money to send their employees for training, in the contract specify that the IT Consultants can work for other companies in their free time as the method of encouraging outside company type of training based on experience. Other IT consultants who work for us, are contractors who have full time contracts on 1099 basis working for themselves at other companies on consulting monthly basis, and for the rest of their free time working for Binary Fusion. These type of IT Consultants are easier to come by and they are more flexible when it comes to completing projects for our clients, because they work on consulting basis for other companies rather than on obligated full time basis.
So why not skip tedious work of trying to figure it all out internally and get the help from Binary Fusion? We are not selling secrets here of other companies what we are selling here is the experience from Binary Fusion IT Network Consultants to the other companies.
Advantages of Binary Fusion IT Network Consultants
Binary Fusion IT Network Consultants in Stamford CT works already full time for their company and has constant experience in the industry based on the best IT Network Practices and has more experience on the real environment issues from the perspective of the IT Directors and can tailor solution without asking 1000s, as oppose to other companies IT Consultants.
Disadvantages of Binary Fusion IT Network Consultants
Due to the fact that Binary Fusion IT network consultants have full time jobs and doing IT Network Consulting/Training services in Stamford CT only on part time basis results in limited scheduling availability through mostly weekend and weekday evenings based on Binary Fusion IT Consultant availability. However, that doesn’t mean that we can not provide you with a dedicated resource, it just means that we prefer to provide seasonal professionals and part time professionals rather than full time, simply because of greater return on experience value that the company can get, but if dedicated Network Consultantis needed on any time basis then we can discuss Staff Augmentation and Managed Services options.
Disadvantages of Other IT Consulting Companies Consultants
Work full time for themselves have limited exposure to what is really needed from the perspective of IT Director’s shoes other than on what they did for other similar customers, and do not have the same type of multi vendor training access exposure, or access to real time production systems on daily basis and mostly rely on the lab (non real environment) for simulating their solutions.
Top questions to ask prior to hiring any type of IT consulting firm In Stamford CT.
Before hiring any consulting company ask the following questions, this is called doing your diligence before getting into something that you may regret. Many IT consulting companies care only about integrating specific equipment to get paid, but can care less of how it’s implemented from the perspective of being able to manage it, and being able to troubleshoot it down the road.
Which is why we offer Managed Hosted based services for companies who are interested in not only getting project completed and having specific technology implemented but ensure that it’s supported properly backed up by SLA agreement and follows best ITIL practice.
We are not here to roll something out for you and forget about it, we are here to make sure that the system we are integrating is constantly working. With the dedicated managed service plan we can offer you flexible monthly support with the allocated monthly hours, following use it or lose it methodology, but enough about us. Why not read the questions below that you should ask your self prior to hiring IT Network consulting company in Stamford CT.
Questions to ask yourself prior to hiring IT Consulting company.
How can other IT consulting company offer IT service without doing it themselves first in their own environment? Our Binary Fusion IT Consultants do these types of services constantly in their own full time jobs environments under strict change controls and perspective of business requirements from the companies they work at and can reuse similar best IT Integration Network practices for your company as well.
Is the IT consulting agency that you are hiring an agency that just provides matchmaking between you and the consultant, or the consulting company itself who can directly visit your location in Stamford CT and provide the service that you are looking for? Our Binary Fusion Network IT Consulting firm specializes not only in match making you with the proper IT Consultant, but can also deliver the solution in Stamford CT locally, by designated IT Network Consultant.
Does the company you are about to hire offer free 30 min consultation? Binary Fusion offers initial evaluation to discuss company’s requirements. Anybody who claims they can provide free quote and free network survey, will never provide you adequate network survey for free. Watch out for these marketing tricks, network survey is
Does the Stamford IT Consultant who your company is hiring holds tons of experience and/or certifications? Binary Fusion has certified or experienced or both types of IT Network Consultants who can deliver IT Solution.
Does the IT Consulting company have a mediocre looking website yet provides Web Development Services? Binary Fusion offers web development services, simply because we developed it all ourselves, and have a portfolio of existing websites to prove it. How can you have someone do web development for you if they haven’t done it for themselves and only did websites for someone else or can’t even provide portfolio of sites they worked on? Take a look at our educational website development portfolio for example to see what we did for ourselves and can also do for you.
Does the IT Network Consulting Company that you are hiring in Stamford CT offers IT Network Consulting/Training Discount packages based on the block of hours? Binary Fusion offers IT Network Consulting/Training Discount packages, the more hours you buy the more you save, contact us to get a quote for your service need.
Does the IT Firm in Stamford CT offers project management services for completion of the entire IT Project? Binary Fusion offers dedicated PMP certified professional with the masters degree with MBA and focus on IT Technologies in both Web Development and IT Infrastructure.
Does the IT Consulting Company in Stamford CT offer virtualization services where they can provide you entire virtualization solution and can interconnect it to your company’s premises through VPN using dedicated MPLS or DMVPN backbone or will only do the virtualization peace for you and leave you to figure out what to do next? Binary Fusion can tailor Virtualized based environment for your need and interconnect to DMVPN Managed or Non-Managed Backbone.
Does the IT Network Consulting Company in Stamford CT offer hosted based services where they share the explanation of what type of managed services they offer in intimate details? Binary Fusion is a managed service provider and shows you exactly what is being offered without IFs, NOs or Buts, check out our IT Managed Hosted service for example.
Does the IT Company in Stamford CT that you are about to hire takes too long to provide a wireless survey quote? Binary Fusion offers predictive pricing quotes for wireless site surveys and can provide a quick turn around time for producing a quote.
Does IT Consulting Company In Stamford CT have contacts with other 3rd party vendors ready and on standby to deliver solution in case if the company not able to deliver specific portion of the service? Binary Fusion IT Consulting company in Stamford CT is partnered up with various types of companies and can provide quick turn around time in delivery of service, regardless if we specialize in this service or not. We have the connections to make this happen.
Does the company offer IT consulting services or other types of services, but fails to mention what type of professional services being offered on their website other than providing basic description? Binary Fusion shows complete service map of every solution that IT Directors would be interested not only from the perspective of the IT service needs, but from the perspective of IT Director’s CIO/C-Level executive need. We don’t just tell you what we offer we show you what we offer click here to view and browse our IT service map from the homepage.